Residence card in Poland

One of the simplest ways to legalize your stay in Poland is to obtain a residence permit (ВНЖ). Depending on your circumstances, this can be either a temporary residence permit (pobyt czasowy) or a permanent residence permit (pobyt stały). The residence card opens up many opportunities for living and working in Poland.
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Więcej o RODO w Polityce Prywatności.
A residence card (Karta pobytu) is a document that confirms legal residence in Poland. Together with a passport, the card verifies a foreigner's right to stay in the country and allows for multiple border crossings without a visa, as well as entry into Schengen Agreement countries for up to 90 days within a 180-day period.
A residence card is a standard European Union biometric document that contains all your personal information:

What is a residence card

  • place of birth,
  • PESEL number,
  • parents’ names.
  • name, surname,
  • date of birth,
  • citizenship,
  • validity period of the card,
We speak
Long-term residence card (karta stałego pobytu)
Long-term EU resident card (karta rezydenta długoterminowego UE)
A document issued to a foreigner for legal residence in Poland for an indefinite period (the plastic card is renewed every 10 years).

Types of residence cards and their grounds

A document issued to a foreigner for legal residence in Poland for an indefinite period (the plastic card is renewed every 5 years). Such a card can be obtained by a foreigner who has been legally residing in Poland for more than 5 years, has stable employment (for the last 3 years), and holds a document certifying knowledge of the Polish language at the B1 level.
Temporary residence card (karta czasowego pobytu)
A document issued to a foreigner for legal residence in Poland for up to 3 years. It is required for official residence, employment, and conducting business activities in the country.
Citizenship (Polish passport)
A document in the EU format that certifies the identity and citizenship of its holder.
A foreigner can obtain a Polish passport if they have been continuously and legally residing in Poland for 1 to 3 years based on a permanent residence permit (karta stałego pobytu or karta rezydenta długoterminowego UE) - Uznanie za Obywatela Polskiego (Recognition as a Polish Citizen).
A Polish passport can be obtained through the President of Poland. The President can grant Polish citizenship to any foreigner upon their application. This is a presidential prerogative according to the constitution, not limited by any conditions - Nadanie Obywatelstwa Polskiego (Granting of Polish Citizenship).

About us

Expert in residency legalization in Poland
years of experience in immigration matters
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Our team consists of experienced lawyers with many years of work experience. We provide clients with professional service based on deep knowledge and understanding of legislation.
We are fully confident in the effectiveness of our services and provide a guarantee of a successful outcome. This means that we will work on your case until its successful completion.
Individual approach
We provide an individual approach, carefully listening to your needs and developing tailored solutions that best align with your goals.
We sign a contract with each client to ensure transparency of terms and mutual understanding.
We are always available to answer your questions, discuss your case, and provide the necessary information.
We monitor changes in legislation to provide our clients with up-to-date and accurate legal information
Our team
  • Егор Егоров
    Founder & CEO
  • Dmytro
    Head of Sales Department
    Ukrainian, English, Polish, russian
  • Nataliia
    Lawyer on legalization issues
  • Inna
    Legal advisor
    Ukrainian, Polish, russian
  • Olena
    Legal advisor
    Ukrainian, English, Polish, russian
  • Evgenia
    Legal advisor
    Ukrainian, Polish, russian
  • Alka
    Legal advisor
    Hindi, English
  • Chido Bennadette Hanyani
    Legal advisor
  • Diksha Sagar
    Legal advisor
    Hindi, English
  • Jithin Varghese
    Legal advisor

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Migrant Expert Sp. z o.o.
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